Buy Schwinn Volare Hybrid Bike (700C Wheels)

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You can buy Schwinn Volare Hybrid Bike (700C Wheels) today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Schwinn Volare Hybrid Bike (700C Wheels). Also read our Schwinn Volare Hybrid Bike (700C Wheels) reviews before you decide to buy Schwinn Volare Hybrid Bike (700C Wheels). Anything you have to know about this item, More about this

Schwinn Volare Hybrid Bike (700C Wheels) Reviews

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Customer Rating:
Rating: 3.6
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Schwinn Volare Hybrid Bike (700C Wheels)

Schwinn Volare Hybrid Bike (700C Wheels) Overview:

  • Men's road bike with aluminum fitness frame
  • Steel road fork; flat bar provides upright ride
  • Shimano EasyFire 21-speed shifters
  • Alloy linear pull brakes; alloy rims
  • Quality padded saddle; Suntour alloy 3-piece cranks

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Schwinn Volare Hybrid Bike (700C Wheels)

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Schwinn Volare Hybrid Bike (700C Wheels) Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
22 Reviews
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65 of 67 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Schwinn Volare S5460 is a nice Hybrid Bike, May 6, 2010
A. O. Giscombe "AoG" (Brooklyn, NY USA) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Schwinn Volare Hybrid Bike (700C Wheels) (Sports)
This is my first hybrid bike. It's basically a road bike with a flat handle bar, which was exactly what I was looking for. I had a BMX that was stolen so I decided to purchase this hybrid based on the brand and price. There were no reviews online for this bike to help influence me before I purchased it, that's why I'm submitting my first review. I watched a few videos online on how to assemble a road ride, which was helpful. Assembling the bike was easy, front wheel, handle bar, pedals and seat. Next, I pumped the tires to their correct air pressure and adjusted the seat for a comfortable fit. After that there was nothing else to do other than to give it a test ride. The gears and the brakes were easy to use and they needed no adjustments. The bike is very quite when pedaling. It is light weight and nice to ride. I've owned this Schwinn Volare S5460 for about a month now and so far so good. I purchased a gel seat cover because the seat was paining the nerves out my @ss. The only... Read more
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33 of 33 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Schwinn Volare Hybrid Bike (700c wheels), July 11, 2010
Janet (Savannah, GA United States) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Schwinn Volare Hybrid Bike (700C Wheels) (Sports)
The short, I love this bike! I have bikes that cost more and to be honest this one works just as good if not better.First off, I love working on mechanical things, so I always get my bikes in a box. I like to know how it works and that it was put together correctly. I also like to use locktite (thread adhesive) on all the bolts to prevent loosening. I have put over 100 miles on this bike in a few weeks and after checking, nothing is loose. The bike rides and handles great, shifting is perfect and I didn't have to touch an adjustment so far, it was setup correctly right out of the box. Tires need to be kept hard, (mine had very little air when I received the box) that means checking the air pressure often as with all bikes. If you leave the pressure low, you could damage the rims and pinch the tubes. The seat is like every other street bike I have owned, thin but well padded. I have tried several Gel seats on my mountain bike and to be honest my butt gets sore no matter what, I have... Read more
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18 of 18 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Love my new Schwinn Volare, July 24, 2010
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Schwinn Volare Hybrid Bike (700C Wheels) (Sports)
The bike came well packed and it was easy to assemble,the last bike I owned was 20 years ago so I'm no expert in bikes, there was no major adjustments like I read on other reviews for other bikes that I liked, no need to take it to a professional for any adjustments or tunning the only thing I had to adjust was the front brakes which took me 5 minutes and it was easy,I pumped some air and it was ready to go, I love the color of the bike frame and the black rims and spokes, the only thing I might change is the saddle, its a little too narrow for me, otherwise I really like this bike and would highly recommend it.
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