Buy Currie EZip Eco Ride Electric Bike

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Currie EZip Eco Ride Electric Bike Reviews

Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Currie EZip Eco Ride Electric Bike. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
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Rating: 4.2
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Currie EZip Eco Ride Electric Bike

Currie EZip Eco Ride Electric Bike Overview:

  • Electric bike with 250-watt DC Earth magnet motor for assisted riding
  • Range of 15 to 22 miles per charge; top speed of 15 miles per hour
  • TAG-PAS pedal assist system and removable lithium-ion battery pack
  • Suspension fork, suspension seat post, and comfortable saddle
  • Exclusive Currie aluminum frame; 240-pound weight limit; weighs 54 pounds

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Currie EZip Eco Ride Electric Bike

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Currie EZip Eco Ride Electric Bike Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
9 Reviews
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68 of 68 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars More versitle electric bike, July 19, 2010
This review is from: Currie EZip Eco Ride Electric Bike (Sports)
If you have looked at electric bikes, you know there is more than one model. I believe you can choose between models and brands based on what you want the bike to do. For example, if you are only interested in commuting by bike, you are heavier (which I am), you want a motorized boost because the terrain where you live is hilly (and to arrive not too sweaty at work or home), you can charge the battery at work, you want a cheap bike but a reputable company and your commute is five miles or less, the Trailz model (available on Amazon at around $400 and [...]) is a good choice. On the downside, it weighs 75 lbs, tough to take up and down stairs, and the sealed lead acid batteries are not supposed to be run down below 80% or they will not recharge properly (limiting range) and you are supposed to recharge them promptly after every ride. So the Trailz is not good for rides to the grocery store or gym, it is really just for commuting. Plus, although the batteries are relatively cheap (at... Read more
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5 of 6 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Initial quality is Lexus-class, June 25, 2011
H. Ma (Alhambra, CA USA) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Currie EZip Eco Ride Electric Bike (Sports)
Unlike the five previous electric bikes I bought since 2001 that were all dead on arrival (including two bikes by Currie Technology), this EcoRide was problem-free on arrival. After about 20 minutes of assembly, it was up and running. I give it a 5-star rating, but I still have a minor complaint: The motor noise is slightly too loud than I like. Currie Technology may have done so purposely for the sake of safety. My last Currie Technolgy bike lasted me 2.5 years before it dropped dead beyond repair. I hope this one lasts longer as it is more expensive. I also like a new feature: the battery can now be locked.
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars This bike is fun and a great value!, October 7, 2011
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Currie EZip Eco Ride Electric Bike (Sports)
This is one of the best purchases I've ever made. I'd give the bike 5 stars (as one of the best electric bikes at this price point), but I subtracted a point due to Currie's support, past specification mistakes on its website, less than ideal Owner's Manual (having only one manual covering all of its eZip bikes, which is confusing), and battery charging instructions.

The good news is that this bike is well constructed and just pure fun! I like getting exercise, so I use this bike mostly in its "Throttle and Go" (TAG) mode. Seventy percent of the time, I do not have the motor engaged and am riding it like a regular 7-speed bike. It's heavier than most normal bikes, so going up hills without the motor is a challenge, but isn't it always? This is when the electric motor comes in handy. I just twist the throttle towards me and get the boost that I need. I can exercise and sweat as much or as little as I want. This bike has helped me burn calories and develop stronger... Read more
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