Buy Currie Technologies eZip Men's Trailz Electric Bicycle

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You can buy Currie Technologies eZip Men's Trailz Electric Bicycle today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Currie Technologies eZip Men's Trailz Electric Bicycle. Also read our Currie Technologies eZip Men's Trailz Electric Bicycle reviews before you decide to buy Currie Technologies eZip Men's Trailz Electric Bicycle. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this

Currie Technologies eZip Men's Trailz Electric Bicycle Reviews

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Customer Rating:
Rating: 3.8
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Currie Technologies eZip Men's Trailz Electric Bicycle

Currie Technologies eZip Men's Trailz Electric Bicycle Overview:

  • Men's hybrid electric bicycle with 450-watt DC Earth magnetic motor and seven-speed pedal-powered Shimano drivetrain
  • User selectable PAS--pedal assisted throttle or TAG Twist and Go full throttle system
  • Reaches speeds of up to 15 miles per hour with a 15 to 22 mile range (depending on rider weight, rider input, and terrain)
  • Designed for comfort with suspension fork, mid-rise handlebars and stem, and comfort-design saddle
  • Suitable for young adults up to adult riders with a 240-pound capacity

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Currie Technologies eZip Men's Trailz Electric Bicycle

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Currie Technologies eZip Men's Trailz Electric Bicycle Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
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47 of 47 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Good entry level electic assist bike, May 20, 2011
Leha17 (Washington, DC United States) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Currie Technologies eZip Men's Trailz Electric Bicycle (Sports)

Great bike for the price. Improvements would be increased quality control on batteries and chargers, upgrading handlebar, and redesigning the battery terminals.

Buy it. It works fine for what it is.


- Great value for an electric assist bike. Paid for itself in commuting savings not to mention health benefits.
- Comfortable ride (thicker tires help)
- Surprisingly quiet motor
- Having both Pedal Assist and Twist features is nice


-Quality control issues combined with 90 day warranty:
-Battery replaced in two weeks (warranty replacement plus shipping charge) - $25
-Charger replaced in four months - $40
-Battery terminal 1 replaced in five months - $20 (part only)
-Battery terminal 2 replaced in 11 months - $20 (part only)
-Email customer service never replied to requests. Phone CS are helpful though.

Design Comments

-Basic handlebar design is... Read more
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28 of 29 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars My first e-bike, May 14, 2011
Daniel Zuber (Smartville, CA, US) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Currie Technologies eZip Men's Trailz Electric Bicycle (Sports)
I actually bought this bike from to save on shipping costs. I have had it for 2 months now. I have to say that for the price it is probably the best e-bike you can buy. My first real test for my bike was a sponsored event called 'Bike Around The Buttes'. A forty mile ride with a few hills but mostly flat. I had 2 batteries for this trip. I pedaled at a moderate pace (12-15 mph) in battery assist mode. I was very nervous because I did not think the batteries would last that long. Surprise, the first battery went twenty miles. good thing too because the batteries lasted a whole lot longer than my legs did (I am 65 and about 60 lbs over weight :-). The second battery went about 18 miles. I had forgot to charge it up the night before so it had a short trip to work and back on it. fortunately the first battery had partially come back to life and it brought me the rest of the way to the finish. I was still able to maintain about 12 mph.
The instructions tell you to... Read more
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20 of 21 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Won't go back to a regular bike., August 1, 2011
This review is from: Currie Technologies eZip Men's Trailz Electric Bicycle (Sports)
I have owned my eZip Trailz for a year now. I put on about 500 miles on it. I have found that for me an electric bike is the best, environmentally-friendly mode of short range transportation for commuting and pleasure. I have found that many on the market are too expensive and don't come with a free test ride. There are even some upwards of $1,000 that come with SLA batteries.

+ affordable entry-level electric bicycle
+ reduction in carbon footprint
+ minimal sweat after a ride; longer distance achieved with same amount of effort as a non-electric bike. (This is the primary reason anyone would get an ebike, right?)
+ convenient battery lock and disconnection
+ free bicycle parking when commuting to work in the downtown zone
+ pedestrians and other bicyclists see you and whisper to each other "hey, that's an electric bike!"
+ torquey 450 watt motor
+ quiet operation
+ brakes and other components are more heavy duty in... Read more
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