Buy Huffy 26-Inch Ladies ATB Granite Bike (Silver)
Huffy 26-Inch Ladies ATB Granite Bike (Silver) Special Offer
You can buy Huffy 26-Inch Ladies ATB Granite Bike (Silver) today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Huffy 26-Inch Ladies ATB Granite Bike (Silver). Also read our Huffy 26-Inch Ladies ATB Granite Bike (Silver) reviews before you decide to buy Huffy 26-Inch Ladies ATB Granite Bike (Silver). Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
Huffy 26-Inch Ladies ATB Granite Bike (Silver) Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Huffy 26-Inch Ladies ATB Granite Bike (Silver). If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
Kraton handlebar grips; quick-release seat; knobby tires for greater traction
Recommended for ages 12 years old and up
Huffy products generally include a limited lifetime frame warranty
Huffy 26-Inch Ladies ATB Granite Bike (Silver) Reviews, On Sale Huffy 26-Inch Ladies ATB Granite Bike (Silver), buy Huffy 26-Inch Ladies ATB Granite Bike (Silver), Huffy 26-Inch Ladies ATB Granite Bike (Silver) best buy, Huffy 26-Inch Ladies ATB Granite Bike (Silver) Discount, Huffy 26-Inch Ladies ATB Granite Bike (Silver) For Sale
This review is from: Huffy 26-Inch Ladies ATB Granite Bike (Silver) (Sports)
I bought this bike at my local hardware store. I was looking for something I could use to ride to work in the summer, and to ride for fun. I am by no means a bike fanatic and don't know much about bikes.
I am 5'6 and with a slight adjustment to the seat this bike fits me perfectly. The seat is very uncomfortable so I ordered a new seat. The gears don't transition very smoothly and whenever i peddle i feel a tiny thump in one of the peddles. The grippy handles are uncomfortable. I should have worked a few extra weekends so I could have bought a more expensive bike. Without a doubt, if I rode this bike on rough terrain it would break.
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This review is from: Huffy 26-Inch Ladies ATB Granite Bike (Silver) (Sports)
i got this bike online the gears dont change well and are noisy the pedal fell off the the thread is wreaked sucks!!!
update: ok i taked to huffy and they had really nice custmor service, and are sending free new pedal...hopefully it will go in pedal post ok. also gave info about gears..hopefully bike will get sorted and i can change star rating
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This review is from: Huffy 26-Inch Ladies ATB Granite Bike (Silver) (Sports)
When I got this bicycle, It's quality is very weak. And in the first I rode, it's broken. I am a foreigner, I don't know how I can describe the broken image. And today, the second day I ride, it's left foot pedal is also out of work. I am very angry now. I will need several dollars to fix it. I hope the seller could give me a satisfiable answer about this!!!!!!!
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